Engineering Design for Spirit Engineering’s Folding-Wing Light Sport Aircraft

Spirit Engineering is a start-up 15 years in the making. We are engineering a unique and affordable light sport aircraft for hobbyist pilots. The plane’s folding wings allow it to be easily stored in a trailer without the need for hanger space. Its riveted aluminum skin harkens back to the golden era of aviation during the 1920s–40s.

My current project is redesigning the shock assembly in our landing gear to provide the safest 4G landing possible, while balancing all other design constraints. I am also responsible for generating drawings for the illustrated parts manual, among other tasks and side projects.

Previously, I had the opportunity to identify the optimal location for the engine mount isolators to attenuate vibrations that were being transferred to the airframe. (I am sorry that I cannot share photos of the plane, as it is still under wraps until it debuts to the public.)

I also designed a handheld rivet tape gun that dispenses short, 1-inch-long lengths of tape quickly without requiring cutting, tearing, or handling to speed up the manufacturing line. The dispenser needed to be small enough and light enough to sit on a belt clip for fast retrieval and optimally, one-handed operation (pictured below).

Everyone keeps joking that I should get my pilot’s license. If I had more time, that would be fun, but for now, I’m just glad to get to work on a (modern) vintage plane.


Energy Efficiency Consulting